Will Black
Senior Marketing Manager at AstraZeneca
Leadership is such a critical component of any career. In today's evolving cross-functional and global workplace, inspiring, influencing, and motivating all of those around you is of the utmost importance. What stood out most to me from the Leadership Challenge is that leadership is not innate; rather it's a learned and practiced behavior. The Leadership Challenge provided great fundamentals for learning and practicing the behaviors that ultimately drive leadership success.
Student Feedback
Minh Nuyen
It really opened my mind…I realized that empowering my team members, trusting them, showing them empathy and regularly giving them encouragement were critical for me to be a successful leader.
Student Feedback
Rehka Devakaran
Prior to this class, I always thought leaders had to have a title, have a certain serious demeanor, needed to possess a certain amount of knowledge and skill. However, I realized this is not the case and that being an effective leader requires one to inspire, trust, and work with others in your team. You have to know yourself and know your team members in order to lead everyone towards a shared interest or goal utilizing the strengths of everyone and ultimately, allowing everyone to become a better leader themselves.
Student Feedback
Alison Gose
While I have held several official leadership positions in the past, I do not think I fully appreciated what it meant to be a leader until this course. Specifically, I realized that it is less about the title and more about the relationship you have with another individual or group of individuals. I have found this class especially helpful navigating my difficult co-teaching situation this semester, as I have had to demonstrate leadership among a team of equals. While this dynamic would have seemed odd to me a couple of months ago, I better understand now about how leadership is an art that can be used in a variety of relationships.
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Grant Canipe
This class is evidence that we are never done growing in our leadership potential. The more I grow in my knowledge and willingness to be a better leader the further away I see the finish line, and I think this is a good thing.
Student Feedback
Mary Wolfe
After working through results of my LPI this semester, I have learned more about my values - and I realized that communicating values is something that I perhaps do not demonstrate enough. (Even though I have some very strong values!) Therefore, I decided to incorporate one of my values within my Leadership Statement; I've added my value of 'caring' to read:
I want to be known as a leader who is caring and who empowers people to achieve things that they did not realize they were capable of.